Health care expenses have become prohibitive for a common man in India with dependency on private hospitals showing upward trend. Only 14% of rural and 19% of the urban population are covered by proper health insurance which translates to spending the hard-earned money towards hospital treatments. with nearly sixty firve percent of the population paying for mdical expenses from their own pocket, analysis of correctness, effectiveness and efficacy of care becomes important.

There exist a few hospitals with no clinically proven protocal, some of which continue to charge exorbitant amounts for ICU and hospitalization, as against other well managed hospitals who have proven track record and follow ethical practices.

The consumer feels that hospitalzation is entering a blind alley not knowing the doctors, their credentials, competency, past history, likely costs, accountability amongst other factors. More often than not, the consumers decision is influcned by reaching the nearest hospital, big brans, marketing strategy, references of known people or experiences of third partyy with no proven document avaible for reference. There is hence a need to make the people and process of healthcare more accoutable in order to maintain transparency.

Infomerics Rating and Research Pvt, Ltd, have evoked a framework for grading various hospitals based on imputs collated after interacting with all the stakeholders with emphasis on patient's feedback. This grading, an unbiased opinion by an independent agency, avaiblel on public domain with not only help the consumer take a conscious decision but also wiuld make hospital more accountable and improve their services overall.

Criteria - Specter System

Safety of Patients

Patient Care

Efficiency in Operations

Clinical Excellence

Time factor

Equity participation

Resources Availability


Benefits of Hospital Grading

  • 01.
    Availability of an opinion of independent agency about the wherewithal of the Hospital.
  • 02.
    Availability of authentic record about the hospital helps patients make the right choice in selecting health care unit, doctor, diagnostic etc. and not get carried away by hearsay and intuitions.
  • 03.
    Patients can choose right hospital/diagnostic lab/Doctor and pharmacy which can deliver high quality of care and patient safety.
  • 04.
    Benchmarking with peers of their operational capability to garner more business.
  • 05.
    Central/State Government can use the data to assess the control and release grants as applicable.
  • 06.
    Helps staff, doctors and other paramedical for their evaluating job options in health care sector.
  • 07.
    Insurance companies can use grading to structure their rate cards.
  • 08.
    Management expertise of healthcare provider which will distinguish himself with peer group



Process Flow

Signing of Grading, Mandate with Fees.


Management Discussion & Site Visit


Analysis of various parameters


Presetation to Grading Committee


Issuance of Grading letter with Analysis And Rationale


Publication of Grading


Grading Scale

Excellent Platinum

Excellent Gold


Very Good



Below Average